
Localisation Dashboard

CP AoR Ukraine

Q: Is there collaboration in the coordination group to collectively address the capacity issues that are faced by partners?


Type of capacity strengthening activites
General Programatic Organisational or Operational Technical Child Protection

53% of capacity strengthening activities focus on technical child protection, while 47% target organizational or operational capacity. This indicates a balanced approach to capacity development between technical and operational needs.
INGO providing capacity dev
# of Intl Actors Delivering # of Intl Actors Not Delivering

84% of actors are actively delivering capacity development, with 16% not involved in this area, suggesting strong engagement from the majority of partners in building local capacities.
Humanitarian standards, tools and policies are available in relevant local languages
Yes No

100% of humanitarian standards, tools, and policies are available in relevant local languages, ensuring that local actors have full access to critical resources for effective implementation.
Are INGOs / UN agencies actively approaching local actors staff?
Yes No

53% of INGOs and UN agencies are actively approaching local actors' staff for collaboration, while 47% are not, indicating room for improvement in fostering stronger partnerships.
Top 3 constraints of Local and National Actors

Security (77%),funding (69%),access to field (40%) and technical capacity (16%) are the top constraints faced by local and national actors, followed by access to the field (14%), with technical capacity and organizational capacity presenting additional challenges

Total: 60 responses

NNGO: 35 responses

INGO: 25 responses