Q: Are partnerships between international and national organisations equal?
Q: Does funding go directly to local and national actors, or is it just going to international actors?
Partnerships and Funding
Perception of partnership disaggregated by type of actor (max:5)
National and international actors show similar proportions when discussing problems, with international actors having a slightly higher proportion of engagement in capacity development (90%) and national actors having a lower proportion of access to donors (72%). Both groups show substantial respect for opinions and collaboration on projects.
We asked LNNGOs and International Actors (UN and INGOs):
Access to donors= If LNNGOs attend meetings with the donor, alongside our UN/INGO partners. (3 = Sometimes, 4 = Frequently, 5 = Always)
Discussing Problems = How comfortable L/NNGOs are to approach UN/INGO partners to discuss problems? (3 = Somewhat comfortable, 4 = Quite comfortable, 5 = Very comfortable)
Respecting Opinions = Does the UN/INGOs respect L/NNGOs partners’ point of view? (3 = Some respect, 4 = Respectful, 5 = Very respectful)
Accounting for L/NNGOs‘ risk = Risks to L/NNGO staffs’ have been adequately taken into account in the partnership (3 = Moderately, 4 = Considerably, 5 = Completely)
Capacity Development of L/NNGO= Does the UN/INGO partners work well with your organisation on capacity development? (3 = Ad hoc capacity development for organisation, 4 = Occasional capacity development for organisation, 5 = Work very well on capacity development together)
LNNGOs inputs into Project design = consideration of L/NNGOs partners’ inputs into project design (3 = Some collaboration, but donor leads, 4 = Work together but donor/UN/INGO decides, 5 = Work together collaboratively as equals)
Recommendation = If L/NNGOs and UN/INGO partners would recommend each other to other partners / organisations (3 = Unsure, 4 = Likely to recommend, 5 = Very likely to recommend)
Funding to local partners
72% of funding is directly provided to local and national NGOs, while 19% is channeled through intermediaries, and 9% does not reach L/NNGOs, indicating a strong proportion of direct funding for local actors.
APM* projects
APM - Activity Planning Module (number of projects submitted by partners for reporting 5w)
61% of projects are implemented by UN agencies, while INGOs account for 34%. National NGOs represent a smaller proportion of project submissions, indicating an imbalance in project leadership and involvement.
Quality of Partnerships
Partnerships are rated positively, with an average score of 4.3 out of 5, equivalent to an 86% satisfaction rate, though 14% indicates room for improvement. This reflects a generally high proportion of satisfaction across the Ukraine CP AoR.
(on a scale of 1-5 across the sector)
Partnerships of local and national NGO
When asked whether national organizations have partnerships with other local, national, and government agencies, 92% of those assessed responded positively. Similarly, when the same question was posed to international organizations, 87% affirmed such partnerships. This indicates that partnerships exist between INGOs and NGOs; however, some INGOs lack national partners, presenting an opportunity to foster greater collaboration.
9 in every 10
Children were reached by Local and National Actors
Total Children reached by Local/National actors in Jan - Aug 2024